
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Red White and Blue dessert day!

Independence Day (or as they call it in the rest of the world, July 4th) is upon us.  This means grilling, barbecue and lots of yummy desserts.  Ice cream?  Yes, please.  Jello, thank you.  Fruit tarts?  Of course!  Typically my go to Independence Day themed dessert is a trifle.  Yes, it screams English Imperialism.... but isn't that what makes it the perfect Independence Day treat?  Take something that the old powers created and make it your own, new world indulgence?  Plus it is so easy to theme... just use large, juicy strawberries and bursting blueberries along with lots of white fluffy whipped cream and pound cake.  Done.  You can even get a little fancier and add some red and blue jello.  Take it up a notch further and cut the jello into stars.  Then you have stars of red and blue jello along with stripes of white decadent whipped cream and pound cake.  Delicious.

The most patriotic desserts are always red white and blue
Photo credit:

This year, however, I think I will try something different for Independence Day.  Wait until this weekend to find out what it is... :)

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