
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Musings

Its Friday.  Yay!  Some thoughts:

1. Brown butter smells amazing.  My whole house smelled like it last night because I was making this:

That is coming up next week.  Its dangerous. But oh so good.  Kind of like that friend of yours your parents didn't want you to hang around with.  Lots of trouble, but so much fun getting into it.

2. Choco Tacos are hard to find. But when you find one, it is worth it.  My hubby found some the other day at the grocery story, which entirely quashed my plans to make a souffle that night.  Its that good.  As the package says, its the "cool taco."

3. Coconut and graham crackers go together well.  How well?  This well.  Just try not to eat the whole pan in one go.

More on all of this next week.  Have a good weekend foodies.  Eat something sweet!

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