
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bounty Cupcakes, or as i like to call them Tubbycakes

I have been really bad about posting lately.  I promise I will try to be better.  I went on a baking binge a few weeks ago for my hubby's birthday.  I thought it would be fun to throw him a surprise party.  I was wrong.  It was the biggest pain in the butt hassle I have ever dealt with.  Cancelled once, continuous lying about the party and our plans for that day.  Let's just say I am not attempting this again.

My hubby thought that we were going out to eat with his family.  Instead his family (and part of mine) came up to celebrate along with a few of his close pals.  In planning our dinner "out" my hubby only asked for one thing: a cake from a nearby bakery.  What he didnt know was that his family was bringing a cake from his favorite bakery in our hometown and that I was going to make these:

What you can't see in this picture is the magic of the Tubbycake: the filling.  Its a sweet, coconutty, marshmallowy delight.  That paired with the chocolate ganache frosting (i never met anything I don't like with ganache on top) and a devils food cake, and these will be an instant hit in your home.  They are in mine!

One thing I love about cupcakes is that you can mix and match them as you like.  Make a frosting you love, add it to a cake you love and if you dare, fill it with something tasty.  You end up with 20 pounds on your hips  a delicious treat.  That is sort of how these came about.  I found a recipe for the coconut filling somewhere (sorry I cannot remember where this came from!) and thought how I could use it.  The first time I used it, it was a cake filling.  But then we were having a party.  And I didn't want to make a cake (this was pre-Wilton days... when I was hopeless with cake assembly), so I opted for mini cupcakes.  Small enough that one bite would do, but still be satisfying.  So I made some devils food.  But the cakes were too small for the filling, so I just spread some on top.  Then I added whipped ganache.  The result: a small bite of heaven.

those ones in the back long to have a coconut top.
These cupcakes have a secret:
they contain extreme deliciousness
To make the coconut filling:

First combine sugar, condensed milk, and butter.  Allow to melt and mix together.

next add the marshmallows, one at a time and allow to melt into the mixture.  Stir well to combine.

Finally add the coconut and mix until well combined.  Tada!  Bounty filling!

Another great thing to do with this filling, instead of just putting it on cupcakes or a cake?  Roll it into small balls and coat with chocolate for some really delicious yummy candies!

Bounty Cake filling:


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk
  • 20 jumbo marshmallows
  • 14 oz coconut

In saucepan over med heat mix together sugar, butter, evaporated milk. Cook for 10 min. Add marshmallows one at a time and stir till smooth. Stir in coconut.

Source: unknown


  1. oh-em-gee. these look so delicious.. i would love one for iftar. :P

    that coconut topping looks so good! i can practically taste it!

    and the tubbycakes look amazing! bravo. :)

  2. Do you use condensed or evaporated milk? see recipe and pictorial directions they are different,
