
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sore.... what?

Sorghum.  It was recently featured on the column that I am obsessed with- Kitchen Window.  Each week Kitchen Window looks at some food item or style of cooking or what have you and discusses the story behind it and then gives you a bunch of recipies to try.

This is a sorghum plant...
Photo credit

This week was sorghum.

You can eat sorghum on pancakes!
Photo credit: wikipedia

I have never heard of this stuff in my life.  Growing up in the Chicagoland area, this was just not something consumed at the breakfast table.  Had I grown up in other parts of the midwest or the south, however, it seems the story would be different.

Has anyone ever cooked with sorghum or eaten it?  I am intrigued... 


  1. I have NO idea what this stuff is!

  2. So apparently its like moleasses... but not. I may have to find some and try this stuff.
