
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pear and Ginger Muffins

A couple weeks ago I had a really crappy night.  I got to bed way later than my usual 9 pm bedtime and then ended up tossing and turning all night.  In the morning I was achy and sore and had to wake up early to get to work.  So I ran out of the house, bleary eyed and half asleep and without being fed.

When I got to work, I headed straight to the coffee shop across the street for a (decaf) latte and a breakfast item.  After I mistakenly ordered and started to down a regular latte (oops), I also had a ginger pear muffin.  It was nothing short of amazing.  I have never thought of pairing (pardon the pun) ginger with pears, but it is a really fantastic combo.  I am not a muffin person usually, unless it is the Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate variety.  But these muffins were quite possibly the best muffins I have ever had.  Otis Spunkmeyer, step aside.

Immediately I decided I needed to recreate these in my kitchen.  After a bit of internet legwork, I found a recipe by Nigella Lawson that looked promising.  And so these happened in my kitchen:

Oh. My. God.  They are so good.  Right out of the oven they are warm and juicy.  The fresh pears in it give it an extra oomph of flavor.  The brown sugar on top gives it a nice sweet crunch to compliment the moist and delicate muffin crumb.  These are definitely a breakfast item... sweet enough to start your day with, but not sweet enough for dessert.  I really do think you will love these muffins.

And now each morning I can grab a muffin, stick it in the microwave for 10 seconds, and have a nice warm cozy breakfast on the go... and so can you!

Nigella's Pear and Ginger Muffins


  • 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup plus 6 tablespoons packed brown sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 vegetable oil
  • 1 Tblsp honey
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups of peeled and diced pears

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line muffin tray with paper cups.  This recipe will either make 12 regular sized muffins or 6 large ones.

With a whisk, mix together flour, sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, baking soda and ginger in a bowl.  Set aside.

In a second bowl mix together the sour cream, oil, honey and eggs.  Then combine this wet mixture with the dry and mix until they are just incorporated, being careful not to over mix. Over mixing the batter will make it tougher, much like over mixed pancakes become.  To keep it delicate and light, only mix until the ingredients are combined and then STOP.

Stir in the diced pear and scoop the batter into the lined muffin tin. Sprinkle a 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar (if making 6 muffins, for 12 muffins use 1/4 teaspoon) on the top of each muffin and bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.  Allow to cook on a wire rack before eating.


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