
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I've been gone.  I've been gone for a long while.  I am so sorry I have left you all to eat celery sticks and lettuce and other things that are healthy and not as tasty as baked desserts.  Mea culpa.

But now I am back.  And I have some pretty awesome things in the works.  Vacation does that to you... you get to be lazy for a week (or two) and then you come back ready to tackle the world.  I have some new takes on old recipes, re-imagined ways to eat cake and attempts at grandma's old favorites.  So get ready readers, because its all coming soon.

But in the meantime, here is a picture of where I was.  Sigh.  I miss this place.

Chicago is my kind of town... 

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