
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eulogy for a decent whisk

If I could pick a favorite kitchen utensil it would either be a rubber spatula or a whisk.  Both do amazing things. A rubber spatula will help you get every delicious bit of cake batter out of the bowl and into the baking pan.  A whisk will make cream into whipped cream, egg whites into meringue.  Its like magic.

Sad to say, this week my whisk took one for the team in the process of making the densest brownies ever.  As I was beating the mixture I noticed something felt off about the mixing process.  Yes, I probably should have just used my hand mixer, but I like using the whisk.  It puts that extra ounce of love into whatever you are making.  It sounds cheesy, yes, but its true.  The more work you put into making something, the better it tastes.

Anyhow, here is a shot of my poor broken whisk:

Alas, poor whisk, I knew him well.
When I showed the broken whisk to my husband, he had no sympathy.  He didn't understand the bond I had forged with this piece of plastic over several cakes, cupcakes, brownies and cookies.  He didn't appreciate that each time I made homemade whipped cream or ganache, often it was made with this whisk.  It's okay.  I didn't expect him to fully understand.  It was not an expensive whisk, but I had it from my pre-marital life.  When I was a bachelorette, living alone and baking cookies for my fellow law school students during our study sessions.  So now I have an excuse to go buy an expensive nicer whisk.  Okay.  Incidentally, I also got the okay to go buy a new can opener and bottle opener.  But that is beside the point.

Out of a little bit of nostalgia and a little bit of thriftiness, I did manage to gorilla glue good ol Whiskie back together again.  Here he is, new and not really improved but working:
Plato wanted in on the publicity as well
We will see how long Whiskie will last.  I hope at least through my next project, which I am going to post soon. I have a good friend coming to visit tomorrow night and I have something special that I want to make for her....


  1. You know.. I tried using a whisk for the FIRST time when making creme brulee this weekend.. and LOVED it. Don't know WHY I ever used to attempt mixing with a fork .... this amazing tool was in my kitchen drawer for yrs completely untouched?? So totally agree with you that is is a kitchen favorite. :)

  2. P.S. Totally agree that the more love you put into something..the better it tastes. Any time I make kabobs and knead with my hands..they turn out more delicious than when using a hand mixer. :)

  3. Ally, I am glad you found the love that is a good whisk. I used to use mine to beat eggs for omelettes all the time. They are a great invention and way better than using a fork! Pishaw to the fork! Forks are for eating, not cooking! (unless you are making pastry dough...)
